
MacGadka Training: macOS Basics

During the last few years, we have received a large number of questions regarding the possibility of delivering our signature training on-line. Well... here it is!

The upcoming edition MacGadka Training will be held virtually. This change in the delivery format will not affect any of the usual benefits.

A brief introduction

We have always refrained from going virtual with this concrete training. The reason for that was our strong belief in the power of meeting in person, the power of working closely together on solving your problems and answering every question that may arise. We still believe in that. The circumstances have, however, changed quite dramatically, and we think that the time has come to revise some of the assumptions and adapt.

The way that things used to stay, was that some even perceived it as a bit of arrogant, if they were offered a remote call instead of meeting personally. Nevertheless, this is our 'new normal' and we have to accept it and try to come to terms with it. With this attitude in mind, we decided to modify a bit our formula, and start delivering our introductory Mac training in the virtual form.

With this new approach our main goal is to offer you a full experience of MacGadka Training. You will get all of the usual benefits — with one small exception regarding dining together and grabbing a beer in the evening. We will try, however, to keep that in mind and make up for it, when such possibility finally comes. In exchange, since we do not have to cover all of the costs associated with renting a venue etc., the price of the course have been significantly lowered.

macOS Basics: the on-line edition

We are very pleased to invite you to our legendary MacGadka Training course focusing on the basics of using a Mac computer. This wonderful device can boost productivity, and make you smile as you carry out daily activities. Do not let its potential get unused! :)

This training covers — as the name implies — basics of the macOS environment. We will teach you how to efficiently use:

  • Finder,
  • Dock,
  • System Settings,
  • Spotlight.

We will share a lot of tips and tricks, and discuss general principles guiding the use of various parts of the macOS user interface. Other topics that we are going to describe include:

  • Basic configuration (demystifying even the ' Privacy & Security' pane of System Settings! ;)
  • Backup strategies,
  • Intro to Shortcuts and automation.

Time, place and price

  • Where: On-line. We are using Cisco Webex Meetings. Those of you who decide to participate will get the detailed instructions on how to set things up.
  • When: please look below for the list of available dates and locations
  • Price: PLN 699 (incl. VAT)


  • 9:00 – 13:00 Morning training session
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break. Unfortunately each participant dines on their own.
  • 14:00 – 17:00 Afternoon training session

During the training there will be also a few short (5-10 min) coffee breaks.

Maximum number of participants

This training has been designed as a workshop. Despite the fact that we deliver it virtually, so theoretically there should be no limit for the maximum number of participants, we decided to establish one. Our goal is to make sure that if you join us, we will be able to spent enough time on answering questions of each participant.

This training is not a typical lecture-style webinar, which are very popular nowadays — each for hundreds of people. Even though we decided to go with virtual delivery, we will try to put every effort into making this edition of MacGadka Training feel like one of usual workshop-style, meeting of a narrow-circle of friends. This is why we decided to limit the maximum number of participants to 12 attendees.


Michał Masłowski — Publishes at MyApple, covering Apple, Mac computers, iPhone and iPad devices, and sometimes also Apple's finances. For several years Michał has been responsible for the MacTutorial.pl blog. In 2011, he started MacGadka — the official podcast of MyApple. His professional career centers around educating retail investors.

Miłosz Staszewski — Founder of k7, co-author of Faktura, Apple Certified Trainer. Miłosz has been Amiga user for several years, then spent some additional time 'in the dungeons of the Linux-verse', just to finally see the light, and settle on a Mac. :)

How to register?

Please fill in this form.

Expected duration of the training

The training will take 8 hours (including 1 hour lunch break).

Am I allowed to record the training?

No. You can take notes, make a few pictures, but we do not agree on making audio or video recording of our training delivery.

Will I receive an adequate certificate confirming my participation?

Yes, you will receive a certificate issued by the fine crew of MacGadka podcast. We have to, however, very strongly emphasize that our training is an independent endeavor, not authorized, sponsored, or otherwise endorsed by Apple. Apple-authorized courses cover a larger scope of material, and are delivered over multiple days. More information about Apple-authorized courses organized by Apple Authorized Training Centers for Education can be found at https://training.apple.com.

Are you planning any additional editions of MacGadka Training (both delivered in-person and virtually)?

We try to schedule our trainings every few weeks. A current list of the upcoming dates and locations can be found below.

What about the famous MacGadka mug? I have been listening very carefully, and I'm sure that you promised one for every participant.

That is correct. No matter the delivery type — in-person or virtual — MacGadka mugs are already packed and awaiting you! However, taking into consideration the current state of affairs, we agree to send you our signature mugs ONLY with Inpost Paczkomat or via DHL. At the moment we do not allow sending the mugs via Poczta Polska (Polish Post).


  • EUR 250 (incl. VAT)